Why Executive Coaching Works in Higher Education
Although every industry has undergone significant changes over the past several years, higher education has been impacted more profoundly.
Although every industry has undergone significant changes over the past several years, higher education has been impacted more profoundly.
I met with a client today that asked how to engage remote employees. Interestingly, I had to think back to my days working as a Metro President at DeVry University…
My book, Breaking Through a Cracked Foundation, will be released in April 2022. I recently sent the book to friends and family members that were mentioned in the book so they could pre-read the content.
More recently I have seen Karpman’s Drama/Victim triangle play out among leaders and their teams. I do not know if it is because of COVID and people being in survival mode, or if it is just our humanness showing up more boldly.
More recently I have seen Karpman’s Drama/Victim triangle play out among leaders and their teams. I do not know if it is because of COVID and people being in survival mode, or if it is just our humanness showing up more boldly.
I have the opportunity to work with many CEO’s and leaders throughout the country on organizational culture and employee engagement. Over the last several weeks I encountered three CEO’s with very different leadership reactions to their survey feedback.
I have worked in Higher Education for a large portion of my career and used Bloom’s Taxonomy when writing curriculum and planning coursework. Bloom’s taxonomy was developed to provide a common competency in terms of six levels of work that students are able to perform.
Building a healthy organizational culture can be difficult in the best of times. Since early 2020 we have been faced with a “new normal” due to the Coronavirus, so a healthy culture is more important than ever to the why behind people staying employed at your organization.
Dr. Goodwin is a sought-after executive in strategic development, culture and change management, employee engagement, higher education, and leadership development. She has helped transform organizational cultures creating opportunities for employees to do their best work and organizations to get their best results.
Dr. Goodwin is a sought-after executive in strategic development, culture and change management, employee engagement, higher education, and leadership development. She has helped transform organizational cultures creating opportunities for employees to do their best work and organizations to get their best results. Her educational background includes a Doctorate in Organizational Leadership, a Masters of Business Administration in Human Resources Management and a Bachelors of Art in Finance.